Channel: Kalari will eat you » update 11
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Episode 9- Things that Tick me off!


I come back to the show swinging at my peeves against ddo and the things that I feel people waste too much energy on. I’m looking at you people who participate in the senseless fighting between premium, VIP, and Free to play players. Learn to act like a community! I talk about deciding if I want to go back to DCU right now its not looking good for that. Also get into Artificers and why I am happy they are being added and how much fun I’ve had on Lamannia playing one and my choice for what I will play once it goes life. I also am honest about why I decided not to take an extended break with all that has gone on. I just wanted to get into the swing of things hope you enjoy the cast.


Show runtime: 01hr 19m 53 seconds

*Big Update and Mega rant: DDO Is making Artificers a paid class to unlock even for VIPs! If you are as pissed about this as I am listen in and remember its better to wait till they allow unlocking for favor even if they are trying to hold out till the next update then to allow them to get away with this slippery slope practice of gouging even us subscribers for every nickel and dime we have! I have to say if I had known Turbine was going to do this they would not have gotten their praise sung in the above episode at all. This is bad form Turbine plain and simple!

Megarant02- Turbines blunder yet again:


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